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E. Brech:
„Marketing is the process of determining consumer demand for products and services, and the process of motivating sales and distribution of products and services to end-users, with profit.“


F. Kotler:
„Marketing is a human activity focused on satisfying the needs and desires through the exchange process.“


K. Sparling:
„Marketing is a business function that recognizes unmet needs and desires, defines and measures their strength and potential profitability, determines which targeted markets the organization can serve best, decides which products, services and programs match the selected markets and appeal to everything in organization to think about customers.“


Institute of Marketing, London:
„Marketing is a management process that is responsible for recognizing, predicting and profitable meeting consumer needs.“


V. J. Stenton:
„Total system of interconnected business activities designed for planning, pricing, promotion and distribution of products and services that meet the needs of our current and potential customers.“


F. Roko:
„Contemporary marketing means business activity that combines production with consumption in such a way that, on an optimal scale, it meets the needs of society that are emerging on the market as a demand.“


Simply put, marketing is a function in a company or non-profit institution that is responsible for serving and servicing customers and for working and co-ordinating with brokers and other external organizations, companies such as various distributors of goods, products, materials, agencies and similar organizations participating in a different economic environment.