Adopted revised rules for audiovisual media services
In early October, the European Parliament adopted the revised AudioVisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).
The revised AudioVisual Media Services Directive extends the rules on video sharing platforms, such as YouTube, Netflix and the BBC, while previous rules only apply to TV service providers. These extensions will affect the agency’s ability to place ads with content on such platforms.
According to the new rules, video sharing platforms will be obliged to protect juveniles from content that could exacerbate their physical, mental or moral development through parental control and age verification tools. They will also have to protect the public from content that incites violence against groups of people or content that includes criminal activities, by enabling the system of signing or marking. Providers will have more flexibility to decide on TV advertising rates to maximize advertising demand and viewer flow. Between 06:00 and 18:00, 20% of the said period can be dedicated to advertising and teleshopping. The same percentage applies to the period between 18:00 and 00:00.
For agencies, these ratios may allow placement of ads to content deemed safe for children and free from violent content, hate speech, and content that display criminal activities. At the same time, agencies need to be cautious and aware that the tools the video sharing platforms will have available will not be excessively and unnecessarily restrictive as to where the ads can accommodate.
Voting ended a two-year bargaining process since the initial proposal of the Directive in May 2016. During this process, EACA was actively involved in decision-making in order to promote the interests of the agency. Memeber States have about two years to implement the rules of the Directive in their own national laws.
EACA’s position on the Directive can be read. here.